Please provide both photo and description for custom painting.
How it Works:
Custom paintings start at $150. An additional fee of $5 per person for Lumify may apply based on the complexity of your request, such as: logos, characters, etc. Canvas size for Lumify varies by location and will be updated accordingly if Lumify is required to complete your custom request.
Custom painting requests must be made at least 10 business days prior to the event.
If your concept includes a trademarked or copyrighted image, we may be unable to accommodate your request.
We will begin working on your custom painting upon booking, based on the details you have provided.
I understand that by submitting a request for a custom painting I will be charged the base fee, plus any additional applicable fees once my painting has been started. Custom paintings are non refundable. It's important to notify us right away if you need to discuss your request, as we do not allow for edits to custom paintings, including removing Lumify. We reserve the right to refuse or modify custom painting requests that we determine may be sensitive, or controversial in nature.
Please provide your confirmation by selecting above checkbox.